Wednesday 9 May 2007

My New Home in Seville

That's me below on my first day in my new human kennel that looked like a huge maze with many, many obstacles and strange, gigantic things. I couldn't pretend I was happy though: I missed my mum, my brothers and sisters; I was hungry, exhausted, hot.

Well, it had been such a stressful and confusing day. I'd been taken from my mother before I should have and along with all of my siblings sold by a conman at Plaza Alfalfa in Seville for an extortionate fee -we were just commodities to him, you see. All I could do was to hope that my new mum and dad were going to be nice to me.

I just wanted to have something to eat, drink and sleep like an angel. I was so so tired and confused....

So can I sleep now please? With my mum and brothers and sisters? Please? I'm so alone...

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