Tuesday 8 May 2007

Three Known Ways to Travel

  1. First there was mum's way. Grabbed by the scruff of the neck, lifted up and unceremoniously carted round. Undignified but effective. Oh, and a doggie instinct not to move whilst this was happening. Strange thing, instincts. (How was I to know that these instincts would cause my folks great embarrassment later in life!)
  2. Secondly, being dropped into a huge cardboard box and separated from our mum and driven to market - most frightening, uncomfortable and not to be recommended.
  3. Now this is more like it. Having been gently lifted out of the box by sweet smelling hands I am now travelling again. I am sitting in the palm of a man's hand (yes, I am this small!) and being held up in front of him, I am able to rest my weary self against his chest and watch the world go by! Wow, it's so big! I had no idea. Now I feel like a Princess, travelling in comfort and style - a girl could get used to this!!! I do wonder where we're going though...
Picture above: Me, about 6 weeks old

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